Out of 100 people surveyed in Pakistan,France, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, or Senegal, everyone without exception has already heard of Mecca-Cola and can recognize and identify the brand.
More than half understood its message and what makes it unique. And,depending on the country,a minimum of five to seven people have already bought or tried the product; of those,more than five drink it regularly and faithfully.
This is an extraordinary feat, considering Mecca-Cola’s origins and start-up expenses, as well as the fierce competition and attacks, rumors, and complete absence of advertising in any form what soever during the first twelve months.
The fame of Mecca-Cola today is such that, in the minds of consumers and others, we have moved up to the major leagues,and people demand so much of us that they expect Mecca-Cola to produce and achieve as much as the two American brands that have existed for more than a century.